Before we talk about how to prevent Parvo we have to know what Parvo is. SO ask yourself




  • *A common puppyhood virus that is preventable or severity decreased with vaccination. 
  • *VERY VERY contagious especially in young unvaccinated puppies.
  • *Mostly found in puppies 3-6 months of age that have not received proper vaccination or scheduled properly . Can be found in younger pups if mom’s don’t carry strong enough antibiotics or if pups are weaned early. 
  • *Parvovirus vaccines take 3-5 days to start building protection for your new puppy.
  • *The first vaccine starts to lose effect after 2-3  weeks.
  • First Parvo vaccine gives your new puppy only 52% protection against this deadly virus, second vaccine for parvovirus will  boost your new puppy protection  to 88% by the third round at 12-14 weeks of age your new puppy should be 98-100% protected. 


What are the signs of Parvovirus


  • *Suddenly sick
  • *Loss appetite
  • *Diarrhea – often foul smelling like nothing you have ever smelt before, bloody 
  • *Vomiting – milky foam water 
  • *Lethargic 
  • *Dehydration 
  • *Sudden Weight loss 
  • *Abdominal pain
  • *Fever or low body temp 


Things only your vet will see in a parvo puppy.

  • Positive parvo test
  • Lowered white blood count
  • Weak immune system
  • Possible secondary infection


Prevention is easier than cure . 


Some of the vaccine names your puppy should have had before you get him/her .


  • NeoPar is just canine parvovirus 
  • DAPPV canine 5 way  protects against parainfluenza,adenovirus 1(hepatitis), adenovirus 2 (respiratory disease) , canine distemper and parvovirus


Preventing Parvo in your young puppy.


  • 1:Do Not take your new puppy to the pet store, dog park, or anywhere multiple dogs may have been.Parvo can live in the ground for years.


  • 2:When you take your new puppy to your vet do not place pup in a common area or on vet floors. Hold your puppy or keep it in a crate.


  • 3:As much as you want to show off your new puppy to family and friends. Have them remove shoes and put them up so the puppy can not sniff them. Have anyone handling or petting puppies wash hands first. 



  • 4:If you have to stop on the way home, use puppy pads and do not place the puppy on the ground.


  • 5:After petting other dogs, wash hands.


  •  6:Don’t let your new puppy sniff your shoes. Keep your shoe up off the floor. You can bring parvo in on your shoes by walking in areas where other dogs could have contaminated it .


  • 7:Keep on schedule with your vaccines. We have started your puppy on the right track to prevent them from getting this. It is up to you to continue to protect your new puppy from this deadly disease. 
  • Keep areas where puppy elimination is clean that will also help in preventing common parasites that puppies are prone to like round worm, coccidia and giardia. 

It is our job to protect them !!!!!!